First to Third

A run on sports...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Euphoric workouts...

Test results from a toxicology report showed that Tampa Bay Buccaneers wide receiver, David Boston, tested positive for GHB following a field sobriety test last month.

Boston was drively erratically before falling asleep at a green light. The police performed a field sobriety test where Boston denied being under the influence of anything.

Wait... so the "date rape drug" is being used to enchance workouts? My goodness is this happening at gyms all over the nation?
I can just imagine a personal trainer suggesting GHB to his 21-year-old female client.

"This stuff will make your muscles heal faster... you want to tone up quick right?"
"Yeah, but won't this stuff make me high, and possibly pass out?"
"You do want that six-pack right? Then listen to what I say!"

How do people come up with things like this? I want to meet the person who thought of taking GHB before a workout, they must be a genius. I have some ideas that I would like to throw their way...

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