Orioles Fans, You Out There?

What do you think about Kevin Millar throwing out the first pitch in game 7 of the ALCS for the Boston Red Sox? Running out of the Red Sox dugout and playing footsies with David Ortiz.
First, does he not know that his current team, the Baltimore Orioles, are in the same division as the Red Sox? Second, how did this guy get the honor to throw out the first pitch of game 7 in the ALCS?
Yes, he won helped them in 2004, but that was ONE World Series. "Well it was the first in 86 years!" Who cares? Why not bring back a Red Sox player from the past. You know, guys who were not fortunate enough to win a ring, yet they played their asses off for Red Sox nation.
If I am Orioles fan, I am pissed right now. Not only because of the first pitch, but because of this video that was aired before game 5:
What the hell. Millar, you do not play for Boston anymore. Try to get a contract with them if you want to play with them so bad. What's that? Oh you can't because you will not make the roster? Then get off their nuts! Stay true to the team you are signed with.
And Red Sox, get over your comeback of 2004. Okay you came back from 0-3 against the Yankees, and yes, it was the first time ever in MLB history. But damn, move on... you too Millar move on.
I understand it if Millar was retired and they brought him back to throw the first pitch. But he is still playing in the MLB, in the SAME division.
It's not 2004 anymore dude. Whatever Millar, keep "cowboying up."
Tell Heath Ledger to not mess up the sequel to Batman Begins and Jake Gyllenhaal to stop trying to kid everyone.
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, Boston Red Sox, cowboy up=brokeback mountain, Kevin Millar, MLB
At June 25, 2015 at 8:35 AM ,
Anonymous said...
shut the fuck up
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