More Fuel To The Fire

The media is at it again... adding more fuel to the Patriots fire.
In this edition, has left Tom Brady off of the Top 49 men of 2007 .
And guess who is #16 on the list? Peyton Manning.
You know why right? Manning is America's QB, and Brady is the arrogant boy that does not relate to the everyday man.
Manning was the lovable loser for years, and Brady was the winning QB under the guidance of
Manning is in our living rooms everyday: jumping into our television screens every hour in a commercial. Some goofy, some serious. He was the goofy guy on Saturday Night Live: trying to sing and dance, and playing with children in the United Way spoof.
Brady? He is busy chasing supermodel tail and vacationing in Europe. Manning? Married to his high school sweetheart and goes to Mexico for cheap beer and nice sun.
I guess had a point.
But it does not make it any better that they left him off the list and had Manning rated so high.
Poor Brady is going to be staring at a picture of Manning in his locker while Emperor Palpatine rubs his head, "yes, yes... the dark side must prove its power over the force."
November 4.
Labels: top 49 2007, NFL, Peyton Manning, star wars references, Tom Brady
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